Empowering The Community For A Skills Based Economy
We equip students, educators, employers and government with mission-critical tools for lifelong learning.
Learn More
The Year13 network consists of 1.5M young
people, 1200+
schools and 100+
industry partners.
trusted partner network
Together We Can Solve The Problem
68% of young people say they struggle with stress and anxiety caused by the uncertainty around life after school.
According to the OECD, Australian youth not in employment, education or training cost the nation $16 billion every year, or around 1% of GDP
We’re Providing The Community With Tools To
Upgrade The School To Work
We’re Moving Towards A Skills-Based Economy
It’s likely that young people will work across multiple industries throughout their lifetime. Portable skills are becoming increasingly essential for the future of work.
That's Why We Created Career Pass
The Ticket To Lifelong Learning
This learner passport enables recognition of learners’s skills and helps them optimise their strengths to make the transition to further education or employment easier.
Verified Records Of Learning And Achievements
Career Pass is a digital record that contains information about an individual’s learning experiences, achievements, skills and competencies. It serves as a comprehensive overview of a person’s educational journey and provides a holistic view of both academic and non-academic abilities that can be curated and shared.
Learn More About Career Pass
Driven by Year13’s network
of 1.5M
young people, 1200+ schools and
100+ industry
Become Part Of Year13’s Trusted Party Network
We’re growing a self-sustaining ecosystem of businesses, education providers and community groups that contribute validated evidence of skills and strengths to learner passports.